WaiverFile Reports

With WaiverFile’s reporting tool you can generate and run a number of different reports to extract the data that you’ve collected from your waiver forms. 

Report Types

There are two main report types, Waiver Reports and Participant Reports. When you collect waivers, if you allow parents to sign for children, you will wind up with a situation where one waiver can have multiple participants attached. Each waiver always has at least one participant (the signee).

The first report type is a Waiver Report. In this report, each row in the report represents one waiver, even if that waiver had more than one person on it. You won’t be able to add custom participant fields here, since those are tied to the individual participants. 

The second type of report is a Participant Report. In this report, each row represents one participant. A single waiver may produce several rows in this report. 

There is a third type of report which is the check-in report. This report is a feature within the participant report. To use it, you’ll set the report mode to Participants and the Date Filter Mode to check-in date. The difference here is rather than considering the date a waiver was signed, your date filters will be based off the date each person was checked in. If you recheck-in customers who signed in the past, it will add additional rows to the results of this report. 

Configuring a Waiver Report

In the dashboard, go to Reports. New accounts start with 3 basic reports: Check-In Report, Participant Report, and Waiver Report. They all use basic settings out of the box. Click on Edit Report on any of them to see the report configuration screen. The Report Mode selection is described above. The other options are as follows: 

Date Filter Mode

This option specifies how the results should be filtered in terms of date: 
  • Date Signed - uses date the waiver was signed
  • Check-in Date - uses the date of a check-in. Results in extra rows when repeat check-ins are made. 
  • Event Date - goes by the date of an event. The date range will include waivers/participants that are included in any event specified in the date range chosen.
  • Date Attending - goes by the Date-Attending field, when specified. (Signed in advance section)

Date Range - This is where you will select a date range from the list that will work with the date filter mode. Choose from the pre-set list or select Custom Date Range to enter something specific. 

Selected Fields / All fields

Use this section to choose which fields will be included in the report. You can drag and drop fields from the list on the right. The list on the left are the ones that will be included in the report. To reorder them, click on a field and use the up/down arrows to move them around. Standard fields are grouped in the first option on the right, and below that you can choose from a list of custom form fields that may be on your form. 


To limit the data you see in the report, you can add filters. Click the Add Filter button and you will see three boxes. The first is the field that you want to filter by. Choose any field you like. Note that if you are using our enhanced security option (e.g. for HIPAA) custom fields will not be available in filters. The reason for this is the system would need to decrypt all rows in order to filter the report. If you need to filter by these fields, you will need to download the complete report to Excel and filter it there. The second option is a comparison choice. You can choose to find items that match, don’t match, or just contain the value in the third box. Set the options as needed or click the red “X” to remove a filter. 

Once you have configured your report, click on Save and Run and you will see the results in a grid. 

Running a Report

When you are on the Run-Report page, you’ll see the results of the report in a grid. You can change some of the options such as the Date Range above the grid. Change these as needed and click Run Report to refresh the results. 

Download to Excel

To save the data you see out to a Microsoft Excel file, click the Export to Excel button. If you are using an older version of Excel (older than 2007) you can check the box next to the button that will prepare a file that works in those older versions. 


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